Before sailing in a ship called “Relationship”, modern world today check many criterias such as Religion, Family Background, Wealth and social status, Level of education, Genotype and many more.
Science today has made genotype and other blood tests Easy, fast and reliable. Before starting a family, two major factors in terms of blood must be considered. Which are:
1. Blood tests such as Blood group and genotype.
2. Blood structure and Infection test.
To begin, let’s get to know what anemia is.
It is simply a deficiency of red blood cells in the concentration of hemoglobin.
A reduction in the number of RBCs which in turn reduces oxygen supply in the body.
Hemoglobin is the iron-containing portion of red blood cells. This deficiency can be as a result of decreased production of red blood cells or increased destruction of red blood cells.
Anemia is more common in women, mostly in the reproductive years. One major function of the blood is to transport oxygen to tissues, and a decrease in red blood cells can also mean a decrease in the amount of oxygen tissues receive.
Sickle Cell Anemia is a disease of the blood.
When the normal shape of red blood cells becomes abnormal, it is called sickle cell anemia.
It is a genetic disorder that also affects the spleen.
The RBCs (Red Blood Cells) present in the blood are spherical in shape (check above images). When these RBC’s are affected by the defective hemoglobin “S”, RBCs that are spherical in shape become “sickle shaped or C shaped.”
These C-shaped RBC’s are sticky due to a lack of oxygen being supplied to them.
RBCs are born in the bone marrow and filtered in the spleen or liver.
When these defective RBC’s go through the spleen, it creates a blockage. The blockage causes pain, which may cause infection or organ damage.
What causes the disease?
Sickle cell disease is not contagious, that means you cannot contract it from someone else or spread it to another person like a cold or infection.
People with sickle cell disease have it because they inherited 2 sickle cell genes, one from each parent.
In some types of sickle cell disease, people can inherit a sickle cell gene from one parent and a different abnormal hemoglobin gene from the other parent.
A person who inherits the sickle cell gene from only one parent will not develop the disease, but will have something called “Sickle Cell Trait.”
*AA* means healthy blood cell
*AS* means a Sickle Cell Trait
*SS* means a Sickle cell disease or sufferer.
Signs and Symptoms of Sickle Cell Disease”
People with sickle cell disease can have pain when blood can’t get to parts of the body. These times are called “Pain Crises.”
Pain may happen in any part of the body and may be brought on by “cold, stress, illness or dehydration.”
Common signs and symptoms of Sickle cell anemia include:
▪️Paleness, often seen in the skin, lips or nail beds
▪️Being short of breath
▪️Feeling Lightheaded
▪️Trouble paying attention
▪️Being irritable
▪️A fast heartbeat, etc.
What kind of crisis?
Aplastic Crisis
This is when the body temporarily does not make enough blood cells and can cause severe anemia.
People with Sickle cell disease are at risk of some bacteria infections.
It is important to watch out for fevers of 101°F (38°C) or higher which can be signs of an infection.
People with sickle cell disease can have painful, long-lasting erections, If not treated quickly a damage can cause problems with getting erections later on, Stroke as well.
The image above contains a genotype compatibility chart… In lesser terms, the genotypes to look out for – for marriage if one is SS or AS.
Relation of the spleen to Sickle cell anemia?
The spleen is a vital organ located below the rib cage on the upper left side of the abdomen.
It protects the body from infections and filters the blood.
It throws the bacteria or germs out of the body.
In Sickle Cell Anemia, the C-shaped cells are unable to leave the spleen and cause blockage in the blood vessels of the spleen. As a result, the blood fails to go out of the spleen and causes enlargement of the spleen, which may be easily felt. This may disrupt the spleen’s normal function, allowing bacteria to grow in the blood and cause blood infections.
In short, the above paragraph (s) explains that Sickle Cell Anemia causes spleen enlargement.Note:
It is common in children.
What is the CC genotype?
CC = Hemoglobin C Disease.
Hemoglobin C Trait.
A person who inherits a hemoglobin A gene from one parent and a hemoglobin C gene from the other parent will have a hemoglobin C trait (AC).
Hemoglobin sickle C disease is a “mild” form of sickle cell anemia, The red blood cells (RBC’s) contain two abnormal hemoglobins called hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C. Hemoglobin is the substance in the RBC’s which carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
The disease is caused by a problem with a gene called beta globin.
Symptoms are also rare and mild.
The only known “cure” is a BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant). This applies to both SS and “CC”.
What is the best approach to this condition?
Marriage counseling
Nutritional counseling
Herbal Therapy
Herbal medicine is currently the only way to provide a complete or mediated relief for sickle cell disease.
It is effective in ensuring a pain-free lifetime if and only if the treatment plan is followed continuously.
Is there any way to deal with it?
Green tea infused with a foreign plant called redroot helps, Regardless a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment is highly recommended.
In this part, we considered blood related factors that can cause family problems medically, either on the part of a single parent or on the children.
Understanding the value of medical blood checks before entering a relationship or starting a family will prevent lots of future problems in that aspect.
In the next part, we will consider more amazing factors associated with blood that can wreck havoc on happy family life.
If you have questions or require more information on this condition please click here or drop a comment below this article.
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If this piece of educative article is not only read but understood and is adhered to, our generation should be able to minimize sickle cell disease to the lowest rate.
Using this medium to tell us who hasn’t knot the tie, to choose wisely. We are the only hope to bring down (eradicate if possible) the rate of sickle cell diseases.
Wow,so educative keep it up
Thank you, please stay tuned for more.
Yes boss 🙇
If this piece of educative article is not only read but understood and is adhered to, our generation should be able to minimize sickle cell disease to the lowest rate.
Using this medium to tell us who hasn’t knot the tie, to choose wisely. We are the only hope to bring down (eradicate if possible) the rate of sickle cell diseases.
Information is power, we can share the information with others to save many
Thank u DOC
This article will surely save many lives
God will keep strengthening you more and more 🙏
Glad you saw value in it… God is with us all.