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Ever wondered what is causing your excess mucus that disturbs you in your throat? Click to read.


Phlegm is a sticky substance, containing the chemical parts such as salts, electrolytes, along with the virus and bacteria fighting agents. It is secreted by the mucous membrane of the Respiratory Tract .

Its sticky manner helps it to hang on, trap and then ultimately destroy the unwanted pathogens. Then, it detaches itself and moves towards the throat region.

Some mostly swallow it the moment they feel it coming upwards towards the mouth.


DO NOT SWALLOW the Phlegm, as this Phlegm is loaded with dead bacteria, germs, that is the disease causing organisms that the body has gathered to push out with the mucus.

That is one of the reasons why after breathing in lots of dust, we have excess mucus (cattarh) or a runny nose soon after. It is the bodies natural way of gathering the harmful particles inhaled with the dust to be taken back out.

Phlegm is actually beneficial to you.

Presence of Phlegm is not a disease condition, but can be a sign of a condition.

Phlegm is as normal as blood and is a required substance by mucous membrane for the lubricating and filtering purposes :

It provides aid to the Immune System when it gets overloaded and helps clean up germs.

It destroys foreign bodies entering the body by trapping the germs.

Acts as a shield for Lungs against Infections.

Prevents the damage of Respiratory parts from any pathogen or excessive drynessi n the body (harmattan).


When it is too much or too little in the Body.

Phlegm gets transformed into a Pathological (disease causing substance) substance, when :

  • Excessive Phlegm is produced.
  • Lungs are irritated.
  • It is derived from stagnated food in the stomach.
  • Lack of necessary nutrients in the diet and consumption of excessive hot,spicy and fatty foods.
  • Kidneys are cold.

Allergic Rhinitis also known as cattarh is also accompanied with flu common cold, cough, nasal blockage etc.

NATURAL MEDICINE TREATMENT FOR Colds, Cough, Excess mucus, Nasal congestion(blockage).

  1. Best supplements are:
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

2. Tea of Ginger

3. Fresh lemon grass tea

Boil fresh lemon grass and peppermint plant /oil (little)).

The person will cover up with a blanket and inhale the hot fumes.

4. You can also powder Bitter kola and mix it with honeyย  3 tablespoon for adult and 1 or 2 tablespoon for children depending on the age

5. Grind black pepper (iyere) 4-5 pieces… Mix with a teaspoon of honey, once a day for 3 days.

Note: fresh grounded black peppers each day.

We have a product produced and package to tackle Nasal blockage and Excess mucus production along with also boosting the immune system to fight various infections.

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