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Sometimes, you as a man can fail to perform optimally sexually, this is termed as low libido, it occurs when there is a drop in the urge or drive to have sex.

Let’s consider the main culprit and causes along with some possible solutions.

Is Low Testosterone the Culprit?

Testosterone is the main sex hormone for males. Low testosterone levels can as well reduce libido in some men (doesn’t affect all men). Also, for some older men, age may cause their decline in sex drive (not all men).

General Causes of Male Infertility

  • Sperm production abnormalities
  • Sperm transport disorders
  • Testicular infections
  • Testicular inflammation (Orchitis)
  • Undescended testicle (Also called: cryptorchidism)
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculation disorders
  • Duration of infertility/sexual frequency
  • Testicular surgery or injury
  • Childhood illnesses
  • Heat exposure; pesticide exposure
  • Medications (side effects)
  • Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.

General Abnormalities

  1. Abnormalities resulting in low sperm count and/or poor motility (i.e. the number of sperm which are viable and moving).
  2. Abnormal morphology (i.e. malformed sperm).  to resolve the problem.


Male Infertility – Physical Examination

Male Infertility Testing – The Semen Analysis

Normal Semen Analysis Results

Count (the number of sperm) – sperm concentration is the number of sperm per milliliter. Average concentration is about 60 million per milliliter. A sperm concentration of over 20 million per milliliter is considered normal.

Motility (the percentage of moving sperm)

Motility is considered normal when at least 50% of observed sperm, show good forward movement.

Morphology (the size and shape of the sperm) 

Morphology is considered normal if 14% or more of the observed sperm have normal shape.


Greater than 2.0 milliliters is considered normal. A low volume may reflect complete or partial blockage of gland secretions contributing to the seminal fluid. If the volume is less than 1 milliliter, the semen may not be in close enough proximity to the cervix to allow sufficient sperm to swim up to the uterus and fallopian tube.

White Blood Cells

Finding bacteria or white blood cells in the semen indicate that an infection may be present. A semen culture may identify the organism involved and antibiotics can be prescribed to resolve the problem. A repeat semen analysis usually follows.

PH level

Normal pH range is 7.2 – 8.0. Too little or too much acid in the semen is detrimental to the sperm.


It normally takes less than 20 minutes for semen to change from a thick gel into a liquid. An unusually long liquefaction time may indicate an infection.

Fructose level

Semen is analyzed for fructose when there is no sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia) or if the semen volume is very low (less than 1 ml). Absence of fructose in the semen may indicate blockage of the seminal vesicles which secrete a significant amount of the fluid of the ejaculate.

What Abnormal Results Mean

Semen samples may vary from day to day, so if the test is abnormal, you may be asked to repeat it in a month to reevaluate the abnormality. An evaluation by a urologist is necessary to pinpoint the cause for the problem.

Sometimes the cause of sperm abnormalities can be traced to genetic defects (cystic fibrosis), hormonal deficiency, environmental factors (such as smoking, hot tubs and marijuana use), or blockage of the ejaculatory ducts.

Low sperm count can occur in men who are treated with testosterone or anabolic steroids.

If a varicocele (distended testicular veins) is present, it may disrupt sperm production.

In some men, low sperm count or complete absence of sperm (azoospermia) may be attributed to deletions of very small regions in their Y chromosome (detectable by genetic studies.

Naturopathic Approaches

1. Sun dry the fruits of Garcinia kola and turn to powder, best mix with Alligator seeds powder, take a teaspoon at nights to improve your erection.

2. Cut 3 to 4 pieces of okra into small pieces, Soak it in the glass of water overnight.

Remove the pieces and filter the drinking water.

Do this process every morning for 1 month.

3. Dried powder of Cerathoteca sesamoides (ewe ekuku in Yoruba) and alligator pepper a teaspoon 2 times daily for sperm production and motility.

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