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Immuni Plus

(3 customer reviews)


This product consists of purely natural ingredients obtained and prepared hygienically for human consumption.

It possess essential nutrients such as Vitamins, Potassium, fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, calcium, Zinc and many more.

It is enriched with phytochemicals (plant nutrients) that Boosts the immune system to fight against diseases.


Benefits includes:

Immunity boost.

Prevents and manages Cold or flu, fevers, cough.

Treatment of Scurvy (\/lt. C deficiency).

Faster wound healing.

Lowers cholesterol.

A sachet either directly chewed or dissolved in a cup of water.

Once daily.

3 reviews for Immuni Plus

  1. Ada

    Immune booster for the ages!

  2. Bayo

    Best for the work.

  3. Tife

    I personally like this product very much, 100% good for the body

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