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Malaria is a potentially fatal disease caused by parasites transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitos.

It is both preventable and treatable.

In 2019, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria worldwide, with an increase in certain African regions.

Malaria Signs and Symptoms

  • Chills
  • Anemia Due to Fever
  • Shivering and fatigue
  • Headache
  • Joint Ache
  • Muscle aches
  • Intermittent fever
  • Fever and chills alternate.


Malaria is a disease that affects the body generally.

Malaria is characterized by repeated attacks of fever and chills caused by a mosquito bite.

It is a contagious disease.

It spreads through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito infected with the virus. It grows in the liver and infects red blood cells.


  • Bite from an infected Female Anopheles mosquito.
  • Plasmodium falciparum parasites ( parasites from the genus Plasmodium).
  • Vivax Plasmodium
  • Ovale Plasmodium
  • Malaria caused by Plasmodium

It has the potential to spread through organ transplantation and blood transfusion or contact with an infected individual.

Malaria can migrate from the blood cells to the liver then lastly the brain (Cerebral Malaria).

Malaria can be fatal if not properly treated, it may also lead to Coma and then death.

Relevance of Diet To Malaria

When someone has malaria adequate nutrition is the key for improvement. A good diet should focus on strengthening the patient’s immune system because a lot of nutrients are lost and result in nutritional deficiency.

Fever as a symptom of malaria, increases the body metabolic rate, thus calorie requirements are increased. During fever there is decrease in appetite as well as decrease tolerance, thus calorie intake is a big challenge. It is important to consume foods that provide instant energy such as glucose water, sugarcane juice, fruits juice, coconut water, electoral water, sorbet (sugar, salt and lemon with water), etc.

Relevance of Supplements To Malaria

It is also important to work on vitamins. Loss of water and electrolytes is very common in malaria. Food preparation in form of juices, stew, soup, coconut water, electoral water, etc are beneficial to maintain it.

Vitamin A and Vitamin C rich foods such as carrot, beetroots, papaya, fruits especially citrus fruits (e.g. orange, pine apple, grapes, berries, lemon, etc), with vitamin B complex are very useful to boost Immunity.


1. Boil basil leaves, add a teaspoon of ginger and then add a little honey. Drink a cup, 3 times daily.

2. Goat weed (Agerathum Conyzoides) and water.

Squeeze Goat weed leaves inside water and make it as concentrated as possible. Take 1 glass, trice daily for 5 days.

Always remember “Zero malaria begins with me it begins with you”.

Observe precautions such as;

  • Use of Fleet.
  • Use of mosquito nets.
  • Clearing of stagnant water. Etc

We have a product that has proven effective against Malaria and also in the treatment of Typhoid. Click here to view the product.

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