If your hairline is receding or your frontal hair is thinning or weak causing hair loss, you may wonder why this is happening to you, and what can be done.
Alopecia is the absence or slow growth (growth) of hair in a body area where hair is supposed to grow.
Alopecia is referred to as a Head disease.
Alopecia Areata is characterized by patchy hair loss which an autoimmune disorder. That is, the immune system cells attacks the hair follicles, mistaking them for a foreign body (antigen) or something harmful, causing disruption in the formation or growth of normal hair and resulting in patchy hair loss.
- Trauma
- Vitiligo
- Diabetes
- Allergies
- Medications
- Chemotherapy
- Hereditary
- Tinea Capitis (scalp ring worm (also known locally in Africa as “Lah-pa-lah-pa”)).
- Infection with a fungus
- Imbalance in Hormones
- Nutritional Deficiency
Children (6-13 years): extremely rare
Teenagers (14-18 years): rare
Young adults (19-40 years): common
Adults (41-60 years): very common
Seniors (60+ years): very common
To properly care for one’s hair, one must consume a healthy diet rich in nutrients. Regularly consume spinach juice, beetroot juice, carrot juice, and lettuce juice. Consume Omega-3-rich and protein-rich foods as well.
Oil on a regular basis, like other body parts, Hair requires nutrition.
1. Apply Neem oil to the affected area or the scalp.
2. Extract onion juice and massage it into the scalp or affected area after 2 hours.
For Fungal Infection of the scalp.
You can use any of the two remedies listed above.
Massage any of the remedies into the scalp for 8-10mins, leave for an hour or two, wash off… Repeat twice daily for a month.
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