Stroke is an attack on the brain that occurs when the flow of blood is interrupted by a either a blood clot which causes Ischemic Attack or broken blood vessel which causes Hemorrhagic Attack.
Because it occurs suddenly, stroke is also known as a Cerebrovascular Accident.
Although there are usually warning signs such as one-sided headache, dizziness, early morning numbness, confusion, and difficulty speaking.
Ischemic Transient Attack ( TIA)
This is a mini stroke that occurs briefly and can lead to the main stroke if not managed properly.
Stroke Risk Factors and Causes
Stroke does not have a specific cause because it is usually caused by complications from other health problems, such as;
- High Blood Pressure
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Overweight
- Lack of physical activity ( sedentary lifestyle)
- Poor Nutrition ( consumption of sugar too much)
- Cholesterol Problems
- Excessive alcohol consumption.
The brain is divided into two (2) hemispheres, the right side of the brain controls the left body structures and the left controls the right body structures.
When Stroke affects a part of the brain, it impairs the ability to perform the tasks that part of the brain was controlling.
A person suffering from a left-side stroke, for example, may experience aphasia, or the inability to understand or express language – a left brain task.
Someone who has had a right-sided stroke may have emotional ability, which includes involuntary emotional outbursts – a right-brained task.
Understanding which side of your brain was affected by stroke is important because it will help you identify why certain side effects are occurring and how to best manage it when it occurs.
How Nutrition Plays a Key Role In Stroke Prevention
- Eat healthily
- Avoid SUGAR
Differential Diagnosis :
People are often confused when they hear Stroke, Cardiac arrest and Heart Attack. They all are associated with the Heart, but are different. Let’s not confuse them all.
Heart attack: The main function of the Heart is to pump the Blood. It takes deoxygenated blood from the body parts and in return gives oxygen rich blood to the Body organs. Oxygen rich blood acts as a fuel. Some times the fatty matter starts depositing on the walls of the Arteries and over the time, they form plaque. As a result the Arteries will become narrower and get hardened. Due to this the Heart muscles will not get enough supply of Blood and causes Heart Attack.
Cardiac Arrest: It is associated with the electrical impulses that occurs in the Heart. The Heart muscles contract and relax to pump the blood. If some thing goes wrong with these electrical impulses, the Heart will not pump the Oxygen rich blood.
Stroke: It occurs in Brain but is a result of malfunctioning of the Heart. When the Heart fails to pump the oxygen rich blood to the Brain, it causes Brain stroke.
Bromelain for Brain Stroke
- Eat Bromelain capsules 2 times a day ( 500 mg ).
Plant source : pineapple
- Garlic for Brain Stroke Eat Garlic capsules twice a day.
OR: Eat raw 3-4 Garlic cloves everyday.
- Tumeric and Ginger as a tea or food spice also helps clear arteries.
In summary :
Ischaemic Stroke: Arteries carry blood from heart to the brain. When supply of blood gets halted either due to a blood clot or by a fatty material in the arteries, Ischaemic Stroke occurs. It is the most prevalent type of Stroke, It is alone responsible for 80 percent of Strokes.
Haemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding inside the Brain. Bleeding occurs due to rupturing of weakened blood vessels. Blood starts accumulating and creates pressure on the surrounding Brain tissues.
Transient ischaemic attack is commonly known as Mini-Stroke. It is caused by interruption of Blood supply to the Brain for a short time. Its symptoms are temporary and may last for a maximum of 24 hours. It is understood as a warning sign. If not treated, a major Stroke may occur in future.
Cervical Artery Dissection Stroke happens due to decrease in Blood supply to Brain as a result of torn artery in the neck.
Chances of encountering Stroke can be minimised by doing slight modification to the life style.
Exercise increases the Blood flow and consumption of oxygen by the Body. A moderate level Exercise of 30 minutes daily maybe beneficial.
Stop Cigarette smoking, it doubles the chances of Stroke occurrence.
Stroke affects people with High Blood pressure. Alcohol increases Blood pressure levels in the body, cutting down on the alcohol consumption means reducing the chances of Stroke occurrence.
Eat healthy fruits, vegetables and reduce the amount of Cholesterol to avoid Stroke.
We have a product that has proven effective in the management of stroke. Click here to view the product.
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