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Our Services


African american doctor listening to problems of male patient at hospital

We offer a generalized view of the human body during consultation to be able to obtain accurate diagnosis to assist healing.

Diet modifications


Dietary modifications are changes made during food preparation, spicing, and specific food to consume and what not to, so as to

increase the bio-availability of meal with needed nutrition and reduce micro-nutrient deficiencies in food to effect healing.

Chiropractic services

Chiropractic care involves assessing, diagnosing and treatment of spine conditions and diseases. Such as Cervical spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis, Degenerative Disc, Disc herniation / Bulging Disc, Whiplash, Sciatica, Back pain, Joint pain, Stroke Rehabilitation, etc

Manual therapy and Massage Therapy

Shot of a young woman enjoying a relaxing massage at the day spahttp://

This involves the use of physical manipulation to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability; it includes manipulation of muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation.

Sales and production of herbal products-Tea's, Drinks, etc.


We produce our very own tested and trusted herbal products that have being used by thousands of our patients.

Herbal Medicine Consultant

The treatment of diseases and various conditions such as infertility, infections, diabetes, liver diseases, kidney diseases, Cardiovascular diseases, Stones, etc. With natural substances such as; Plants, Herbs,
Minerals, Water, Supplements, Oils, etc